Monday, April 21, 2008

For Crying OUT LOUD!



You WIN Blogger!

I feel like I've had so much to say since my last post on Tuesday, April 15th. I tried to post on Wednesday and was sent into some eternal loop of frustration.... "your publish is taking too long to publish. Click here to continue waiting".... or something very close to that (I OUGHT to have that memorized by now)!

I've been posting all of my blog posts via ftp to my own webhosting site. Alas, I'm not the only ftp'er who has been sucked into the vortex of "...taking too long. Click here to wait...". I've given in to Blogger for now and am publishing via blogger's hosting... until, that is... the problem is fixed OR I find a new home for my blog.

Here's the other picture I TRIED to post in my Behind the Barn post.

Hope this works!

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