Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Foot-in-Mouth disease

Aunt Jackie recently blogged about this very thing. I swear, it is a hereditary disease that affects entire families... passed from one generation to the next! It didn't skip me- that's for sure!

I call it "Foot-in-Mouth" disease... not to be confused with the fungal Foot AND Mouth disease.

The symptoms are consistent. One finds themselves chatting away with some unsuspecting soon-to-be victim. Suddenly the unsuspecting victim has a look of shock or horror or worse- extreme hurt- on their face. And then the painful realization that thy foot is stuffed in thy mouth!!! ACK!!! In extreme cases, both feet are painfully stuffed in the mouth of the disease ridden carrier. And words cannot be spoken well with lower appendages filling one's oral cavity.

In one incident, a lovely couple came to our home to purchase a horse from us. They are wonderful people and we completely enjoyed visiting with them and showing them our beloved horses. One subject led to another and suddenly I found myself gabbing about the dangers of mangers in horse trailers. I saw a look pass from wife to husband... I remember mentally noting that look. Was that a yellow light or was it a RED light? And did I just run that RED light? Hmmmm....

The couple was delighted with the horse they'd come to see and purchased the horse. They'd driven all morning from another state with the intention of purchasing so had their trailer in tow.
OH! You see where this is going, don't you? Go ahead- LAUGH! You guessed it. They opened up the trailer for me to load the horse in and there before my eyes... MANGERS!!!

Oh dear! I'm afraid I had both boots in my mouth. I immediately acknowledged my faux pas! Acknowledgment followed by sincere apologies. Really! I meant no harm. I swear! "I have a condition!" LOL It's Foot-in-Mouth disease. Everyone had a good laugh and this lovely couple forgave me my indiscretion. They've even continued to stay in touch and seem to genuinely like me. That's GRACE for ya!

But I believe there's an even worse side to this disease- and I do think it's tied in with the affliction somehow. It's being misunderstood.

I often think I am clearly communicating my ideas only to discover that I was either clear as mud or that I communicated something totally unintended. OH! This is a grievous part of the Foot-in-Mouth disease. It happens when I am least prepared and causes immediate sobbing upon the realization that my disease has struck again.

Just yesterday I had a flare-up. I, out of sincere caring and concern, had posted a thread on a forum I love with the intention of the thread serving as safety education- much like a discussion in fire safety- STOP, DROP, ROLL! I should have stopped, dropped and rolled because very soon I discovered I'd started a fire. And worse, the family that was being burned has endured such HORRIBLE heartache in the last year that I have weeped over their pain. I NEVER would have desired to cause them more pain.

This is the painful- mortifying- absolutely gut wrenching, heart bruising part of Foot-in-Mouth disease. I sobbed and lost some sleep but not before a FULL apology and (I PRAY) a clear explanation of my actual intent.

::Sob:: Choke:: Sniff::Sigh::

Extend grace to those of us afflicted with this disease. There appears to be no cure - only disease control!

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