Well.... not really... but I felt like I was the circus!
In my bright, efficient, save gas money thinking, I made a vet appointment for our horses due for vaccinations and for Elsa... also due for booster shots. Seemed like a great plan... and I still think it was the smartest way of accomplishing the vetting that was due... but I didn't consider that I would feel like I was at the controls of a moving tornado!
I was so proud of myself for planning the morning well enough that we were actually running a few minutes ahead of schedule. Even after Pholly & "MaGOOF-ball" decided to play a game of chase (in the 90 degree heat no less!) with each other before being caught. Seemed fool hardy to me ... running is the last thing *I* would have wanted to do in yesterday's heat! Nevertheless, we had time to groom everyone, load everyone and still run back across the yard for forgotten items. As we pulled out of the driveway, I was amazed to see that I was ahead of schedule.
Of course, that all went away when I ran into towing "troubles". It wasn't troubles really... just concerns. But it was enough concern to warrant "Dad to the Rescue!" Nothing was amiss structurally, nor mechanically so we chalked it up to the wind, a different towing vehicle, and weight distribution. BUT, all of that extra time was now gone and we were late.
So now I am the LATE circus coming to town. We pull into the vet clinic in a nice neat package and then pour out like the wind that knows no boundaries. Oh... I'm sure it wasn't really that bad... but it's how my mommy-mind feels. Three kids, three horses, one puppy! Now that I think about it... it is much like supervising SEVEN children. No wonder I feel like the circus.
I'm not sure whether to express my appreciation for the kind, friendly manner in which the clinic staff handles us... or my apologies to them for the chaos I feel I am injecting into their afternoon.
And after we drive away... I realize I forgot to purchase the vaccinations for the ONE horse I left at home! Yep.... I had to turn around and go back... because, after all.... the whole point in bringing the circus to town was to save gas money!
Sigh! Welcome to "McBroom's Wonderful One Acre Farm"! (If you don't know what I'm talking about... look it up! It's a great... fun book to read to the kids!)