Friday, January 25, 2008


You wouldn't think that moving 5 or 6 feet across the room would be such a big change but it can be! You see, I'm posting this blog from my recliner- sitting about 5 or 6 feet from our desktop 'puter. Yep! A nice warm laptop is sitting on my lap.

But what a huge change! First of all, there's the setting up of said laptop. A wireless router installation took me far longer than it should have. I'm a "geek wannabe" you see. Likely a dangerous one at that. I'm not afraid to explore places that I probably shouldn't be on the 'puter. It's a control thing I'm sure. But I was a little tied up with the wireless router!

Dad called to see how I was making out. He gave me some explanations & some advice- advice that included, "Hon! Call the 1-800 number if those things don't work. You've already spent 3 hours on this." My response went something like--> Ugh! I hate those 1-800 numbers! I always end up with some tech who can barely understand, much less speak English. Then I have to try to explain what I don't understand to a person who can barely understand English. And of course, it goes without saying that I will barely be able to understand their explanation because of their poor grasp of the language.

Nope! I'd rather poke around in places I shouldn't be for hours than endure that! LOL Stubborn, I guess!

But don't worry! Dad saved the day. I followed his instructions and was soon mobile! Hooray!

Of course, now comes the task of loading my creature comforts. Software that I prefer. And OH NO! This computer doesn't remember all of my passwords yet! Fortunately, it is learning quickly and so am I.

But who ever would have believed that moving such a short distance could be such a huge change!

Bare with me while I get my bearings again! ;)

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