We live in rural America.
Our location allows us to have multiple routes
by which we can travel on our way home.
The girls have a favorite route they refer to as
the "Cow Way".
There is one particular intersection where I almost always hear,
"Can we go the "cow way", pleeeeeease!"
Today, I acquiesced to their request (name that movie!)
and they were rewarded!
This is why it's called the "Cow Way".
There are often cows in a beautiful, picturesque pasture (as opposed to the usual flat, drab lot) on this route.
And today the cows were joined by calves.
Isn't Spring wonderful?
Ok! Ok! It can be a little itchy too!
But it's still far more desirable than winter in my book.
"Wha' choo lookin' at, Willis?"
© 2010
All images property of Jodie L Hemersbach
Do not copy, capture, print or steal.